Aim: How can we understand the Islamic Revolution and the Iran/Iraq war so that we can better understand Marjane Satrapi’s graphic novel, Persepolis?
Persepolis WebQuest Introduction and Task Sheet Introduction We just began reading the graphic novel Persepolis, the story of a teenage girl in Iran during the Islamic revolution in the mid 1970s. In order tocompletely appreciate her story, we need to learn more about Iran and itssociety, culture, and institutions during that time period, and we will bedoing that with the help of a webquest. This may sound like a lot ofresearch, but you will be responsible for only a small part of the entireresearch project.
The Task As consultants for the film Persepolis (based on the book you are about toread), your group has been asked to ensure that the film accurately portrayspolitical events, religion, society, and culture in Iran. After researching yourchosen area, you will present your findings to the filmmakers (classmembers) and suggest specific events or items that should be includedin the film. After we view the film in class, you will have a chance tomodify your recommendations and/or be more specific about where, when,and how the film might include your information.
Part I: The WebQuest Process: Internet Research In groups, you will be responsible for researching one of the following areas:
The Shah of Iran—his role in government and reasons for his overthrow
Islam—major beliefs of the religion and why some religious groups felt the revolution was necessary
Society in Iran—institutions such as schools, religion, families, government
o One group on pre-revolution norms o One group on post-revolution norms
Culture in Iran—movies, music, art, fashion
o One group on pre-revolution culture o One group on post-revolution culture
April 11, 2013 - April 12, 2013
Aim: How do we use our research about Iran during the Islamic revolution to design and prepare a powerpoint presentation?
Do now:Meet with your group to determine how to divide up the two minutes and three slides per person requirement. Who will be responsible for what portion of the presentation?
Part II: The WebQuest Task: PowerPoint® Presentation Each group will put together a number of slides (three per person in yourgroup, unless otherwise negotiated) for a formal presentation in class.These slides should be the basis for the information you relay to the rest ofthe class, but they should not just be slides with written material on them.Use color, pictures, clip art, and text to create an attractive and meaningfulpresentation. Don’t read your slides to us; rather, use notes to speakextemporaneously, or pre-record your narration. Time limit for thepresentation is two minutes per person in your group unless otherwisenegotiated, so plan your time wisely together and rehearse your timings andpresentation together. Your work will be assessed by the PresentationRubric below. You will be assigned a group grade for your participation inthe project in addition to being assigned an individual grade for yourreflections on the group work. E-mail me your finished power point presentation at [email protected] by 11:59pm Friday, April 12, 2013!!!
Part III: The WebQuest Task: Film Reflections After we have read the book and viewed the film of Persepolis, you will havea chance to reflect on your recommendations and to refer to specific parts ofthe movie where your information could be easily incorporated.
Shah of Iran Group Guiding Questions: 1. When and how did the Shah of Iran (Mohammad Reza Pahlavi come to power? What was the U.S.’s role in his becoming Shah? 2. What kind of government did the Shah lead? 3. When and how did the Shah lose power? What role did Islamic fundamentalists play? Who took over after he lost power? 4. What relation did his exile have to the Iranian hostage crisis?
Islam Group: Guiding Questions: 1. What are some of the major beliefs of the religion of Islam? 2. How do Islamic beliefs compare to those of other major world religions? 3. Who is Islam’s major religious figure? Why? What is the main Muslim text? 4. What was the role of Islamic fundamentalists in the overthrow of the Shah of Iran?
Society in Iran (pre-Islamic Revolution) Group Guiding Questions: 1. What religions are represented in the population of Iran? 2. What is the role of women in society? 3. Describe the education system in Iran, including higher education (universities), for most of the population. 4. What is the family structure in Iran?
Society in Iran (post-Islamic Revolution) Group Guiding Questions: 1. What religions are represented in the population of Iran? 2. What is the role of women in society? 3. Describe the education system in Iran, including higher education (universities), for most of the population. 4. What is the family structure in Iran?
Culture in Iran (pre-Islamic Revolution) Group Guiding Questions: 1. Describe and give examples of the major phases in Iranian art. Discuss what kind of art is popular during your time period (pre-revolution). 2. Describe some major Iranian movies, including their plots and directors. 3. Describe major categories if Iranian music. Focus on the most popular kind of your time period (pre-revolution). 4. What kinds of sports are popular in Iran? Who participates, and who observes? 5. Describe Iranian cuisine. What kinds of dishes are popular? What are considered delicacies? 6. What are the major religions of Iran?
Culture in Iran (post-Islamic Revolution) Group Guiding Questions: 1. Describe and give examples of the major phases in Iranian art. Discuss what kind of art is popular during your time period (post-revolution). 2. Describe some major Iranian movies, including their plots and directors. 3. Describe major categories if Iranian music. Focus on the most popular kind of your time period (post-revolution). 4. What kinds of sports are popular in Iran? Who participates, and who observes? 5. Describe Iranian cuisine. What kinds of dishes are popular? What are considered delicacies? 6. What are the major religions of Iran?
Go to the following link and follow the instructions to complete the assignment: